2019: A Year In Review


Wow, over 12 months since my last post. Where has the time gone?

2019, for me at least, was not a fantastic year. Don’t get me wrong, it had good parts, my company sports day for example where we were flown to Marseilles and met new friends, I lived and worked in London for a month, however this was offset to a massive return of my depression.

The signs were there at the start of the year. Still blaming everyone but me for my 2018 injuries following me in to 2019, losing all motivation to train, not wanting to go out… all classic signs that something wasn’t right. as my weight increased I started to feel worse. I was in danger of going back to how I was. I tried training intermittently but with no real enthusiasm. I took part in a couple of events, 2 half marathons and some OCRs but at no where near my potential, I was just going through the motions.

I thought I was hiding it well until my then Manager took me to one side and said he was worried for me, that I was displaying all the classic signs and that I should get some help. I thought I was doing well, that it was just me feeling down. it clearly wasn’t. A few days later I reached breaking point, I received news that my role was being downsized. The team I had spent 12 months investing in was being taken away from me. I cried the entire 42 miles of my commute back home. The next morning I made an appointment with my doctor. She instantly prescribed me antidepressants and 8 weeks of CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy). I had always been sceptical of CBT as it was of no use during my first episode but was in such a state I was willing to take on anything.

The first therapy session was on the 9th of September and, instantly, I knew this time would be different. we were introduced to new techniques on how to analyse our thought patterns and change the way we think, along with using meditation techniques to calm our minds. This was perfect for me as I had been meditating some time although, just like everything else, it had fallen into miss use. I met some amazing people on the course and hope that they got as much out of it as I did.

I started feeling more positive in November. I started training with more intent. it was at this point I was contacted by a friend and ex work colleague. She told me she was starting her own business and asked if I would like to come to a meeting to discuss the products as they were for a health and wellness company and right up my street. Unfortunately I had to miss the initial meeting but I went to the second. The product on offer was a 30 day nutrition plan. Weight loss wasn’t its primary focus, its more a resetting of the bodies organs. Wiping the slate clean of years of abuse. I was so impressed I signed on to the company as a consultant and committed to the 30 day programme.

At first look this plan was my worse nightmare. My coffee addiction is world famous. up to 20 mugs a day! and for this plan you have zero. that’s right not one. I had tried to give up caffeine before and became a horrible person within days. This time was different. the drinks and supplements made it easy, no snacking either as I was getting more than enough from the mixture of shakes and healthy, home prepared foods.

Despite weight loss not being the aim I lost a massive 17 lbs (7.71 kg) and felt more alert and energetic than I had in years. I have signed up to do it again in January.

So, in summary, a bad year has finished strong with new friends, new business opportunities, and a new focus. 2020? bring it on.